• OBAMA: “And If You're A Family Making Less Than $250,000 A Year, My Plan Won't Raise Your Taxes One Penny -- not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Orlando, FL, 8/3/08)
• OBAMA: “You Will Not See Any Of Your Taxes Increase One Single Dime.” “And if you make less than $250,000 -- if you make less than $250,000 a year, you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime.” (Sen. Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Espanola, NM, 9/18/08)
• OBAMA: “No Family Making Less Than $250,000 Will See Their Taxes Increase.” “And I can make a firm pledge: under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase – not your income taxes, not your payroll taxes, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” (Barack Obama, Remarks, Dover, NH, 9/12/08)
President Obama has already broken his tax promise. On April 1, cigarette taxes went up. Certainly many people who smoke make less than $250,000. Obama's signature put into effect a 156 percent increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco, a hike of 61 cents per pack.
- 55 percent of smokers are "working poor."
- One in four smokers live below the poverty line.
President Obama is already denying Merriam Webster's Dictionary as to what a “tax” is. And here I thought Bill Clinton’s deposition was absurd and comical. Clinton debated what the definition of “is” is.
President Obama refuting the dictionary takes the cake. Maybe President Obama wants to deny the exact text of the Senate Finance Committee Bill also? It reads: “The consequence for not maintaining insurance would be an excise tax.”
You think the cigarette tax is a broken tax pledge just read below and discover what Senate Democrats have in store for Americans!!!!
$315 Billion in Middle Class Tax Hikes!!!
If You Have Insurance, You Get Taxed- DEMOCRATS PLAN TO COLLECT $215 BILLION By Imposing A 35 Percent Excise Tax On Insurance Companies or Employers That Offer Plans Valued At $8,000 For Individuals And $21,000 For Families.” Nationwide, about one in 10 family insurance plans would be subject to the new excise tax, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal-leaning policy and research group
If You Don't Have Insurance, You Get Taxed- DEMOCRATS PLAN TO COLLECT $20 BILLION FROM NEW FINES ON THE UNINSURED The consequence for not maintaining insurance would be an excise tax of up to $1900 per uninsured individual and $3800 per family.
If You Don't Have Insurance and don't pay the excise tax- DEMOCRATS & THE IRS WILL SEND YOU TO PRISON The consequence for Americans who fail to pay the penalty for not buying insurance would face legal action from the Internal Revenue Service, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation. Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a handwritten note (see below) Thursday from Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold confirming the penalty for failing to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance.Violators could be charged with a misdemeanor and could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty, Barthold wrote on JCT letterhead. He signed it "Sincerely, Thomas A. Barthold."

If You’re An Employer and Can’t Afford To Provide Health Insurance To Employees, You Get Taxed- DEMOCRATS PLAN TO COLLECT $27 BILLION FROM EMPLOYERS - The penalty payments by employers whose workers received subsidies via the exchanges, which would total $27 billion
If You Use Medical Devices Like Hearing Aids or Artificial Hearts, You Get Taxed - DEMOCRATS PLAN TO COLLECT $30 BILLION IN NEW TAXES ON MEDICAL DEVICES - Impose annual fee on manufacturers and importers of medical devices … $29.9 [billion].”
If You Need Laboratory Tests For Prevention, Screening, Or Diagnosis, You Get Taxed- DEMOCRATS PLAN TO COLLECT $5.6 BILLION IN NEW TAXES ON LABORATORIES. - “Impose annual fee on clinical laboratories … $5.6 [billion].”
If You Take Prescription Drugs, You Get Taxed- DEMOCRATS PLAN TO COLLECT $17 BILLION IN NEW TAXES ON MEDICINES. “The Chairman‘s Mark would impose a fee on any person that manufactures or imports prescription drugs for sale in the United States.”
SCHUMER & ROCKEFELLER AMENDMENT- Senators Charles Schumer of New York and Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia will push for a government-run insurance plan to compete with private insurers.
(Note: There was no vote because Senator Baucus was in a hurry to get out of town for a 4 day weekend and thus shut down the Senate Hearing at noon. The day before, Baucus accused Senator Kyl and Republicans of stalling by proposing that Legislative Language Must Be Publically Available On The Finance Committee’s Website For At Least 72 Hours.)
HATCH AMENDMENT-To Preserve Seniors’ Medicare Advantage Plans: “This Amendment Would Strike The Medicare Advantage Provisions Of The Chairman’s Mark If CBO Certifies That Beneficiaries Currently Participating In The Medicare Advantage Program Will Lose Plan Benefits when the Medicare Part C reductions are implemented by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services. CBO is required to make this certification 3 months after the enactment of the health reform bill.”
Amendment Rejected 9-14(Hatch Amendment #D7, Rejected 9-14; R 9-1; D 0-13, 9/23/09)
BUNNING AMENDMENT: Amendment To Provide Legislative Language & “Critically Important” CBO Score “This Amendment Requires That Before The Finance Committee Can Vote On Final Passage Of ‘America’s Healthy Future Act Of 2009,’ The Legislative Language Must Be Publically Available On The Finance Committee’s Website For At Least 72 Hours.”
Amendment Rejected 11-12 (Bunning Amendment #C4, Rejected 11-12; R 10-0; D 1-12, 9/23/09)
HATCH AMENDMENT: Amendment To Preserve Seniors’ Medicare Advantage Plans “This Amendment Would Strike The Medicare Advantage Provisions Of The Chairman’s Mark If CBO Certifies That Beneficiaries Currently Participating In The Medicare Advantage Program Will Lose Plan Benefits when the Medicare Part C reductions are implemented by the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services. CBO is required to make this certification 3 months after the enactment of the health reform bill.”
Amendment Rejected 9-14 (Hatch Amendment #D7, Rejected 9-14; R 9-1; D 0-13, 9/23/09)
BUNNING AMENDMENT: Amendment To Provide Legislative Language And Price Tag Before Voting “This Amendment Requires That Before The Finance Committee Can Vote On Final Passage Of ‘America’s Healthy Future Act Of 2009,’ The Legislative Language Must Be Publically Available On The Finance Committee’s Website For At Least 72 Hours.”
Amendment Rejected 11-12 (Bunning Amendment #C4, Rejected 11-12; R 10-0; D 1-12, 9/23/09)
Amendment Rejected
KYL AMENDMENT: Amendment To Stop “Gag Order” “Amendment That Would Clarify That A Health Plan May, Pursuant To Constitutional Rights Guaranteed By The First Amendment, Express Its Views About Legislation Or Legislative Proposals.” (Amendment To The Chairman’s Mark, “America’s Health Future Act Of 2009,” U.S. Senate, Finance Committee, 9/23/09)
Amendment Rejected 10-13(Kyl Amendment, Rejected 10-13; R 10-0; D 0-13, 9/23/09)
KYL AMENDMENT: Amendment Prohibiting A Federal Rationing Board “The amendment would strike the following language from the Medicare Commission in subtitle E of Title III: ‘By April 1, 2014, the Senate Finance Committee, along with the relevant House committees, would be required to report out either the Commission’s (or Secretary’s) proposal or an amended proposal that achieves the same level of reductions in excess cost growth.’”
Amendment Rejected 8-8(Kyl Amendment D7, Appeal Ruling of the Chair Failed 8-8; R 8-0; D 0-8, 9/23/09
Medical Liability Reform Amendments All Ruled Out of Order
ENSIGN AMENDMENT: “The amendment will insert language in Title III, Subtitle H of the Chairman‘s Mark to improve patient access to health care services and provide improved medical care by reducing the excessive burden the liability system places on the health care delivery system.”
CORNYN AMENDMENT: “Any state receiving funding under Medicaid shall enact a limit on total noneconomic damages against doctors and health care facilities of one million dollars or less
KYL AMENDMENT: “This amendment would limit noneconomic damages in a civil medical liability lawsuit to $250,000 from any provider or health care institution, not to exceed $500,000 from all providers and health care institutions. It would also make each party liable only for the amount of damages directly proportional to such party's percentage of responsibility.”